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Xamthone compounds or anti-cancer compounds in the mangosteen fruit are useful to help slow down the growth process of these cancer cells, such as colon cancer and liver cancer. The content of xanthones in the mangosteen fruit is also able to slow down the growth of cells that cause leukemia.

1. Treat thrush

    Mangosteen fruit contains vitamin C which can help cure canker sores. Prepare 2 mangosteen skins that have been previously washed and cut into pieces. Then boil the mangosteen rind with 3 cups of water until the size is reduced by 50%. After it cools down, then strain the stew and use it to rinse your mouth.

2. Overcoming diarrhea

    By using the decoction of mangosteen leaves and skin, it can be useful for treating various diseases such as: overcoming diarrhea, lowering temperature during fever, treating canker sores, dysentery, to disorders of the urinary tract.

3. Improve the elasticity of body cells

    The antioxidant content in mangosteen peel can help to increase cell regeneration. By increasing the regeneration of cells, it can ultimately slow down the aging process. The antioxidant content contained in the mangosteen peel is very high, namely 66.7 times that of carrots and 8.3 times that of orange peels. As a high antioxidant, xanthones have a hydroxide group that is able to bind various free radical attacks that cause damage to body cells.

4. Lose weight

    Antioxidants in bath skin can be useful for aiding in weight loss by balancing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that functions to stimulate the accumulation of fat in the body.

5. Maintain brain health

    The antioxidant content in the mangosteen rind also helps to prevent a decrease in brain function and can prevent various diseases such as dementia or alzheimer's. Mangosteen rind is also able to prevent the occurrence of damage to the nervous system that causes Parkinson's disease. Because the content of flavonoids in mangosteen peel can also stop minor damage to brain memory.

6. Coping with stress

    When stressed, the body will produce a lot of the hormone cortisol in excess. Xanthones in mangosteen peel work to balance cortisol hormone levels so that the body can reduce depression levels and improve mood.

7. Rejuvenate skin

    The benefits of mangosteen skin in beauty problems can make you more youthful. The high antioxidant content is able to prevent premature aging and can regenerate skin cells.

8. Prevent heart disease

    Mangosteen fruit contains a number of minerals such as manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids to help control heart rate and control blood pressure. Nuah mangosteen can prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.

9. Prevent kidney stones

    By consuming mangosteen rind extract at a certain amount on a regular basis every day can make the body to excrete urine more often so that in the end it can avoid urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

10. Maintain digestive health

    The antioxidant content in mangosteen peel can be useful to help protect and reduce high acid content in the stomach. The antimicrobial substances found in the mangosteen rind are able to fight bacteria, parasites, and fungi in the stomach. Antimicrobial substances can work to overcome irritation that occurs in the large intestine and small intestine which can cause disturbances in digestive function and diarrhea.

11.  Can help balance the endocrine system

    Mangosteen peel has a compound called Xanthones which can function to balance the endocrine gland system. By balancing the endocrine gland system, it can create a good balance of all the hormones and neurochemicals produced by the endocrine. Xanthones can remove toxins from the liver, accelerate wound healing, and so on.


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